viaSocket vs Zapier

viaSocket vs Zapier

1. Creating path and route workflows in zapier is only available in a professional plan at 73.50$ with 2000 tasks.
Creating paths and routes are only available in the professional plan of zapier. Also you cannot create conditional zaps in the starter plan.And what if you can create a multi step zap but cannot add conditions in it, which is the very important part in any workflow.
Additionally, Creating paths and routes on zapier cost you around 73.50$ while on viaSokcet you will get the all workflow feature for 25$ with an advantage of  20,000 invocations.

2. Ask AI if you encounter any problem within the workflow contrary, Zapier does not have ask AI feature within the workflow.
Zapier does provide a feature of guiding you while creating zaps but does not provide AI support in it. On the other hand, viaSocket is a highly advanced workflow automation tool that gives you the AI feature to set up conditions, custom  API calls and many more.
For instance if you got stuck between a zap, the only way that left to go on is to go to the support team or raise a ticket, while in viaSocket you have flexibility of asking queries to AI.

3. viaSocket allows writing custom javascript functions for complex conditions, Whereas zapier custom code still in beta mode.
While creating your workflow as per your needs you will always end up with the conditions that are complex and unable to process with specified no code conditions. In such a situation you need to write your custom code, Here viaSocket by default offers the function block on which you can write your custom conditions in javascript. On the other hand, in Zapier this feature is still in beta mode.

4. Access to all applications available on viaSocket while Zapier gives access to premium applications on premium plans.
ViaSocket gives you the access of using all available applications on free plans as well. In contrast, Zapier has restrictions on using premium apps. You cannot use premium applications if you don't have a premium plan. viaSocket does not have any restrictions on using applications. Even though you will get all features in the free plan as well.

5.viaSocket counts 30 second flow execution time as one invocation, on the contrary Zapier counts per API call as one operation.
In Zapier, every action you set up is counted as a task. For example, if you have a Zap that adds a row to Google Sheets and sends a Slack notification when someone fills out a Typeform form, it's counted as two tasks.
So, if you receive 50 responses on Typeform in a day, and each response triggers this Zap, then it will be counted as 50*2= 100 tasks.

On the other hand, viaSocket counts 30 second flow execution as 1 invocation. The same workflow discussed above will be counted as 50 invocations in viaSocket which is way more affordable than Zapier.

6. 10,000 free invocations in viaSocket vs only 100 free operations in Zapier
ViaSocket gives you 10,000 invocations for free while on the other hand Zapier gives 100 free tasks. These 100 tasks in Zapier will get used in various steps including testing, triggers and actions. But 10,000 invocations at viaSocket gives you the flexibility to run and test as many workflows you want.

7. Big pricing benefit to Zapier (750 tasks/month in 29.9$) vs viaSocket(20K invocation/month in 25$)
With viaSocket you will get 20,000 invocations in an individual plan at 25$. Contrarily on Zapier, you will get the 20,000 tasks only in a professional plan at 1149$. Talking about the Team plan then, in viaSocket, you will get all available apps, unlimited members and 100,000 invocations in just 100$.On the other hand you will get only 2000 tasks at 103$ in Zapier, which is not so cost effective.